Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Butterfly Project

In an effort to remember those children, Holocaust Museum Houston is collecting 1.5 million handmade butterflies. The butterflies will eventually comprise a breath-taking exhibition, currently scheduled for Spring 2012, for all to remember. As of Summer 2008, we have already collected an estimated 400,000 butterflies.

Based on the following poem, which I remember singing it when I was in high school at every Holocaust Memorial:

Here are the guidelines as set forth by the Museum:

Please facilitate the I Never Saw Another Butterfly activity and create as many handmade arts-and-crafts butterflies as possible. This project may be completed by all ages as individuals or groups.
  • Butterflies should be no larger than 8 inches by 10 inches.
  • Butterflies may be of any medium the artist chooses, but two-dimensional submissions are preferred.
  • Glitter should not be used.
  • Food products (cereal, macaroni, candy, marshmallows or other perishables) also should not be used.

If possible, e-mail a photograph of your butterflies, to

Please send or bring your butterflies to the Museum by June 30, 2012, with the following information included:

  • Your name,
  • Your organization or school,
  • Your address,
  • Your e-mail address, and
  • The total number of butterflies sent.

Mail or bring your butterflies to:

Holocaust Museum Houston
Butterfly Project
Education Department
5401 Caroline St.
Houston, TX 77004

For questions or additional information, please e-mail


Mrs.Kwitty said...

Ooh, it just breaks your heart to think of all those children...the number is staggering. Thanks for passing this information along...I would very much like to send along a couple butterflies for this.
Smiles, Karen

Staci Rose said...

I feel the same way, Karen. Children of all religions, sympathizers, educated, sick...such a waste of life.

After seeing your work, I have no doubt that you will come up with some wonderful creations!!! Thank you for stopping by!


Diane Dehler said...

What a wonderful project and heartbreaking.

My little nephew, Neptune likes to say "I am a blue butterfly." He is two years old and then he flaps his delicate little hands in the air. Children are the world's most beautiful flowers.

dianeclancy said...

Hi Staci,

This is a powerful project and I am very glad that I am going to be part of it - it feels then that I am doing something positive from all this!

There is something for you over at my blog.

~ Diane Clancy

dianeclancy said...

Dear Staci -

Here is my post about the Butterfly Project

Will do another one when we have our monthly showcase. Thank you!!

~ Diane Clancy